What makes you proudly South African? (Chance to win)
I came across this article @ www.southafrica.info which reported on the results of a survey conducted by The World Values Survey. It shows that those who proclaim themselves as proud to be South African has risen to 96%.
That got me thinking. If I had been surveyed, I would have responded in the positive to the question 'Are you proudly South African?' But what is it that I am proud about?
Is it the strength of our diversity? Is it the beauty and the variety of the South African landscape? Is it the achievement of democracy, against all odds?
Sure, all of the above are valid reasons to be a proud South African. But all that has been said and written about ad nauseam over the past 13 years. To me, I am proud of the potential I see and experience in my country. As the generations emerge free from the shackles of the conservative, debilitating past, with no baggage, I see that diversity becoming a catalyst for innovation in all spheres. The arts, technology, the environment & and even industry. South Africa has the potential to become a world leader.
What makes you 'Proudly South African?'
If you stay in Cape Town I have two tickets for the Cape Town Winex Wine Festival @ the Cape Town International Convention Centre to give away.
Send a mail or comment on what makes you Proudly South African TODAY [Midnight - 5 Sept 07] and the one Eishman chooses as the best submission will get them hand delivered tomorrow as the event is opens today and runs until Friday.
Sorry, all those non-Capetonians, feel free to add your voice though, it would be great to hear your reasons for being Proudly South African.
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That got me thinking. If I had been surveyed, I would have responded in the positive to the question 'Are you proudly South African?' But what is it that I am proud about?
Is it the strength of our diversity? Is it the beauty and the variety of the South African landscape? Is it the achievement of democracy, against all odds?
Sure, all of the above are valid reasons to be a proud South African. But all that has been said and written about ad nauseam over the past 13 years. To me, I am proud of the potential I see and experience in my country. As the generations emerge free from the shackles of the conservative, debilitating past, with no baggage, I see that diversity becoming a catalyst for innovation in all spheres. The arts, technology, the environment & and even industry. South Africa has the potential to become a world leader.
What makes you 'Proudly South African?'
If you stay in Cape Town I have two tickets for the Cape Town Winex Wine Festival @ the Cape Town International Convention Centre to give away.
Send a mail or comment on what makes you Proudly South African TODAY [Midnight - 5 Sept 07] and the one Eishman chooses as the best submission will get them hand delivered tomorrow as the event is opens today and runs until Friday.
Sorry, all those non-Capetonians, feel free to add your voice though, it would be great to hear your reasons for being Proudly South African.
Did you read this post too late to enter? Make sure that this does not happen again. Subscribe below and every new post @ Eish!! will be sent directly to your Inbox.
Labels: competition, eish, south africa
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Posted by
ksaalrawda |
July 20, 2016 at 2:35 PM